With that out the way, let us cast our minds back, to when Sonic was good... Way, way back. Most Sonic fans will probably remember the blue hedgehogs charm as simply a memory and many of Sonics "new fans" will probably not even remember how revolutionary that little Hedgehog was for the world of 2D gaming.

Before long Sonic decided to break free from the land of 2 dimensions into the world of 3D, starting of course with "Sonic 3D"... A terrible game needless to say. However, once the technology caught up with the blue-blur, Sonic went full 3D in "Sonic Adventure" on the Dreamcast. Many people despised this game, and it's sequel, marking it as the downfall of the franchise, but personally I really loved this game. It was so different from anything I had played before, hours and hours of fun was had on these titles.

So, where now? What could Sega possibly do to pump life into their dying franchise? Well...
That's right, they're sending Sonic back to his roots making a new Hi-Def 2D game, code-named "Project Needlemouse".
It's anyones guess whether or not this game will be just another new-sonic-flop, or even the rejuvenation of the franchise. All I know for sure-

I'm definitely intrigued.....
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