For a few months now I've been coming on here, putting in my 2 pence worth, mainly about the idea of having skype on the ps3. I can't be bothered going through all the details but basically it would mean cross game chat, cross platform chat ability to call landlines and mobiles and 10+ ppl conference calls. This would be incredible!!! (no brainier to me ).
Now I've just been watching the hiphopgamershow, and he said there's this "rumor" that the xbox360 might be getting skype. This is just a rumor, but it does just seem like an obvious move..
Musterbuster, commented in a thread a while back, regarding this feature. You said you would bring it up as a feature update. Did anything come of this?
Why skype on the ps3 would be a great feature.
First of skype is a third party company, basically they have there own servers which currently house 20 million users, no need for the Sony upgrade. With skype you can call other skype users from all round the world connecting the ps3 to laptop PC's and psp's, (people with psp will already have a skype account). With skype you can have 24 people conference calls.
Now it gets crazy.
Remember skype-2-skype calls are free, but if you were to buy skype credit like you would with your phone then you would be able to call landlines and mobiles. This would be amazing!!! Think about it, you arrive at home sit down grab your pad turn your ps3 on, look at whos online because you fancy a game of MW2 nobody is online (on skype) so you ring your mates mobile from your ps3. That would be incredible.
So Sony I hope you don't miss out!!
Skype on the PS3!!!
24 people confernce calls
Cross game cross platform chat
Abilty to call landlines and mobiles
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