Monday 6 July 2009

Is OnLive the future of gaming?

I have seen and read a lot about OnLive and its promise of cheap, easy gaming on any PC or TV but will it really work? The problem everyone as being going on about lately is how will this work in home's and areas with slow broadband or even no broadband?

so for this reason i cant see Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo worry about OnLive at this stage as OnLive is online the whole time even when playing single player so the problems are lag and the fact some ip's are not unlimited download per month for the people with unlimited this is not a problem but for everyone else this is, OnLive apparently uses about 1.5-5mbps so it can eat up your monthly download limit quickly. Also one of the other problems will be where the servers are placed and if you can play against people from other countries.

Click read more for the whole post

Here in the UK homes should have access to broadband and faster download speeds by 2012, the government has said.

One other problem could be the fact most gamers want to have a physical copy of the game they are playing so it may be traded in for other games, OnLive will be a subscribution based service.

So for the time being it seems OnLive wont be able to compete with home consoles and pc's until broadband speeds are increased and in every/most home's.And even then there will be a lot of competition from Gaikai,OTOY and Slingbox plus Sony registered a trademark for cloud gaming called "PS Cloud" the day after OnLive was announced.However, the trademark covers a broad range of possibilities, including online videogames, Internet radio, eletronic magazines, cloud computing, etc. and thus no direct conclusions can be drawn from it. But if this is the future of gaming then Sony,Microsoft and Nintendo will no doubt bring there own version's of OnLive to the market.

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