It appears the 3 million weapons estimate was wrong, Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford reveals that “the last count was like 17,750,000,” yes that's a crazy amount of weapons, you probably won't use even a fraction of these.Randy Pitchford explained how they made all those weapons “Just thinking about shotguns we had thousands of permutations on a whiteboard. All the development teams in the world added together can’t build that many guns, because there are more guns in Borderlands than all the shooters on the PS3 and 360 added together. We had to build software to do it for us, so we built a procedural generation system that built all these guns.” World record for the most weapons in a game?You can read the whole interview over at CVG
********END OF UPDATE********
During a recent showcasing event of Borderlands, MTV Multiplayer noticed while Gearbox president and founder Randy Pitchford was switching to a specific weapon he wanted to show off that there was over three million (3,166,880 to be precise) different entries. The weapons ranged from sniper rifles, Uzis and rocket launchers all with their own specific effects(fire and ice elements),with the release date of October 20th US and October 23rd for Europe on PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 there is still time to add even more weapons to an already very impressive amount.
This news is awesome! Can't wait for this game!!