All servers will be taken offline Tuesday, September 2, 2014, at 5:30AM PDT, to launch Game Update 40! Downtime is expected to last about 6 hours.
Gadgets Power Revisions!
With Game Update 40, we have made improvements to Gadgets! The Gadgets power set now has new damage mechanic improvements that ensures Gadgets has the same damage potential as Weapon Mastery, combo powers (Light/Celestial/Rage), DoT Powers (Nature/Electricity), channel and cast powers (Fire), and Pet powers (Sorcery/Earth).
Gadgets users can now use a number of new mechanics centered around "Advanced Interactions" to cause superior damage output. Specific changes are outlined in the notes below.
Rare Style Vendor Update!
With Game Update 40 we have added new items (existing styles) to the Rare Style Vendor. All of these items will cost 70 Marks of Fury. The Rare Style Vendor, Vending Unit 22, is located in the player's Headquarters. Please see the notes below for a full list of items added.
Weapon Mastery Style Selection!
Players may now select appearance styles for Weapon Mastery combo weapons!
Players have always been able to choose the appearance of their primary weapon through the Style UI. With this new feature, players will also be able to choose the appearance of their Weapon Mastery combo weapons through the Style UI. When the player accesses the Style UI with a primary weapon equipped for which they have unlocked Weapon Mastery, he or she will see two additional appearance categories in the list for the two related combo weapon types.
The combinations are unique per primary weapon, meaning that Brawling into Two-Hand can be different from Shield into Two-Hand. By setting the Mastery Weapon style option, you are not setting your actual style for the primary weapon nor are they shared between the combos.
With this change, primary weapon styles will persist on logout as well.
Note: PS3 Players will be able to change their Weapon Mastery styles and see their choices; however other players will always see the Default weapons displayed. This is a PS3 only constraint.
New Mainframe Boost!
With GU40 we are adding a new Boost column to the Base Mainframe. This means new upgrades to all of our Sidekicks, Back-Up, Orbital Strikes, Supply Drops, and Tactical Mods at a price of 15625 Marks of Triumph.
Note: Boost III does not require a new Generator Cell level. It will use the same level that powers Boost II.
Prestige Messaging Improvements
Players in a League will now be able to access a Prestige Report from the control panel in their personal bases to find out how much Prestige is being generated by that base for their League. Simply select that option and view the report in the text field at the top of the menu!
Prestige is earned from decorations and amenities per base so players will have to visit each of the bases they own once per week to collect that amount. Prestige earned by mainframe upgrades, generator mods, and power level are shared by all bases and will be collected only with the first base you visit that week.